Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why do I blog?

Since I have a high-risk pregnancy for my second baby and I don't have work; I need to find ways to help my husband in making both ends meet. Here are the ways I can think of: sell goodies for Christmas, buy and sell other stuffs, do paid blogging, find online jobs.

So far, it was easy for me to start with the third option due to the availability of a computer and I do not need too much physical activity. I can also share some of my insights and my experiences as a mom. I was also inspired by Kumareng Ruthie (her blog is, Malen has her, and Daisy (I am not sure if she wants it to be mentioned) to do this. I have my right to call them as master bloggers.

I believe that it is a good start. I will also find other ways to keep myself busy.

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